Few months ago I saw on net infographic showing Top 10 Shipowning Nations by Value. Data were presented in table therefore I took them and increased visibility of data by creating two separate column charts.
Main data source is VesselsValue, and infographich is republished by various maritime news sites such us: drybulkmagazine.com, marinelink.com,
worldmaritimenews.com, marineinsight.com and others.
The result can be seen as:
1) Simple column chart with possibility to change ship’s type!
2) Simple column chart with possibility to focus on one of the countries!
My previous post regarding Main maritime nations and their controlled fleets in terms of GT and number of ships you can found here.
Have some comments, ideas or willingness to corporate!?? – You can contact me by dropping e-mail: balticmaritimetechnologies@gmail.com!
If somebody has comments regarding data feel free to share them or send to e-mail.