EMSA on 19.07.2018 published report on Seafarer Statistics in the EU ( www.emsa.europa.eu ). The statistical review presented in this report is based on data extracted from certificates and endorsements registered by EU Member States until 31 December 2016 and recorded in the STCW Information System.Reports represents a snapshot of the European labour market in terms of the number of seafarers holding valid certificates and endorsements in 2016.
Report for download is available here.
By using data added to this report in three appendixes regarding – masters and officers holding valid CoCs in 2016 (appendix A), masters and officers holding valid EaR in 2016 (appendix B) and data on ratings holding valid CoPs in 2016 (appendix C) infographic is made increasing visibility of different aspects at country level of seafarer data. This infographic visualizes data in form of different & responsive graphics. The used numeration of graphics are in line with numeration of tables in appendixes