These interactive dashboards reflect fleet value for Top 10 Shipowning Nations and changes of it during 2017 -2022. The dashboard is created on basis of data provided by VesselsValue ( Data reflects the fleet value in February of 2022 or February of another year.
Data updated on the 17th of February 2022.
Furthermore, some remarks before the commencement of the data exploration:
- In most visualizations data reflects the value of “live” ships or ships on the water.
- Even the focus of data sets are on the Top 10 maritime nations the database includes 14 nations as for some of ships type in particular years other nations can be considered among top 10 maritime nations.
- All tables are clickable and serves as data filters therefore dashboards are dynamic and interactive.
- These four dashboards will give detailed data and help explore the development of the fleet value for the top 10 shipowning countries (2017-2020). However, the best way is to use a desktop computer for the review of the content of this post, otherwise on mobile screens, the graphs and tables will be too small and will not fit for the data exploration, even though the functionality of dashboards will remain the same.
- Generally, the internet browser often needs a bit of time to load the dashboards. It depends on the internet connection and time required by the browser to make a connection with the Google data studio.
- Besides, by using those two buttons below, you can adjust the size of dashboards for them to fit better in your screen. The appropriately adjusted dashboard will allow a lot easier data exploration.
- Enjoy your data exploration!
Top 10 Shipowning Nations
Trends for fleet value top shipowning nations (2017 -2022)
Orderbook value – 17th Feb 2022
Author of visualisations: Roberts Gailitis
Graphical analysis made by:© Infomaritime
Data source:
Additional resources:
Visualisation of Equasis world merchant fleet data made with google data studio can be found here: Equasis world merchant fleet data (2005-2020)
Interactive visualization regarding top 15 shipowning countries (2020) according to UNCTAD data can be found here: World merchant fleet and top 15 shipowning countries (2020*)
Pingback:Top 10 shipowning nations by ships value (2018) -
Robert your visuals are a treat.
Keep up the excellent work.